50 Homeschooling Tips for Beginners
Homeschooling Tips for Beginners and More
If you’ve been following along for a while, you know that I LOVE homeschooling. And I love helping others determine if homeschooling is right for them. So if you are brand new to homeschooling, or you feel like you need help with homeschooling, I’m sharing 100 homeschooling tips for beginners! And be sure to keep reading to the end for more ways to have help on this journey. So let’s get right into the tips!
- Don’t expect perfection.
- Create a vision for your family.
- Create a vision for your homeschool.
- Plan out what you want your child’s overall education to look like.
- Envision how you want your child to finish their time in your home.
- Make an overall step by step process for how to get to that goal.
- Develop your own teaching style.
- Identify what’s important to you as a parent.
- Also consider what’s important to you as a homeschool teacher.
- Identify your child’s learning style.
- Be kind to yourself.
- Be kind to your kids.
- Teach your kids to be kind to each other.
- Give kids responsibility.
- Chores are for everyone. Not just Mom.
- Don’t underestimate what chores young kids can do.
- Even the youngest kids can fold socks.
- Plan a circle time or morning meeting time for everyone to spend time together.
- Let kids sleep in when they can.
- Develop a general schedule or overview of your day.
- Go outside more.
- Pursue musical interests.
- Take school on a field trip.
- Take a trip.
- Go to the park.
- Play a board game.
- Read more books.
- Choose the curriculum that works for you.
- Use free internet resources wisely.
- Make use of the local library.
- Keep up with summer learning.
- Teach life skills- mowing the lawn, wash a car, care for a pet.
- Have older kids teach younger kids what they can.
- Consider a hybrid homeschool or co-op.
- Find a community of supportive parents.
- Don’t expect complete support from extended family and friends.
- Outsource what you can- cleaning, tutoring, and more.
- Remember, the parent knows best.
- You are the expert on your child.
- Consider outside help when needed.
- Don’t feel like a failure if you need a tutor or help.
- What works for one child doesn’t work for all.
- Each year will be different. Each week will be different. Expect change.
- Work hard. Play hard.
- Don’t forget to have fun.
- Don’t lose yourself in the process of homeschooling.
- Carve out time for yourself as a Mom.
- Make time for your spouse or partner.
- Find time for fun with each child one on one.
- Feel confident in your choice
These Tips are Just the Start!
So with these tips, you will hopefully feel more prepared for the task ahead. Homeschooling isn’t for everyone. But if it’s right for your family, you will develop your own unique way of teaching and learning. And remember the beauty of homeschooling is that what’s right for one child isn’t right for all of your children. When you first start homeschooling, you should develop an overall schedule and plan for the day. But then be sure to understand that the schedule will change daily. In fact, having a schedule can be a danger because you can feel like a failure when it’s not met. So I advocate for having more of a general overview of your day rather than a set time table.
If you need more help with homeschooling, be sure to sign up for my homeschooling course! This course is made especially for parents. And this course isn’t just for beginners. It’s for homeschool parents who are feeling burned out or feeling a little lost. This course is in pre-sale right now. Email amberlikesllc@gmail.com for more information!
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