Bubble Truck Parties: Zany and Crazy Fun!
What’s a bubble truck? That’s the first thing I asked when I heard about this new party craze that’s sweeping across the county. I’d certainly never seen one before, and I hadn’t even heard of it! But when the Bubble Truck offered to come to my house and show off their fun, I jumped at the chance. They visited our house for my daughter’s 10th birthday so that I could help spread the word. And I am so happy to get to tell you all about this new party that’s zany and crazy fun!
What in the world is a bubble truck?
That’s certainly the question that comes to everyone’s minds when they first heard the words “bubble truck.” That’s true for me! It’s something that can be described, but really needs to be seen to believe. Be sure to check out my Instagram account for pictures and videos to get the real feel for the experience.
So what is the bubble truck? From the company themselves, here’s a description of how to define a bubble truck.
It’s a fun, whimsical bubble mobile that brings joy and laughter everywhere it goes! This 22-foot long bucket of fun can produce more bubbles than you have ever seen at one time! Doubt that? When was the last time you saw mountain of 8′ high bubbles!? Let’s add some magical food coloring and create a rainbow of colors! We can make it look like a unicorn took a poop on you! Don’t forget about the GREATEST SHOWMAN on earth! Your very own expert in the art of bubbles and fun will direct the entire visit!
When the Bubble Truck visited our house, we had our 5 kids, plus 8 more friends. And we could have had plenty more! It was also raining in classic Florida form, but that didn’t stop the fun! When the Bubble Truck visits your house, your guests will get absolutely soaked. So it doesn’t really matter if it’s raining! The adults can just open the garage door, set up some chairs, and watch the fun unfold. Something that’s really great for the grownups at the party is that you can be as involved or not involved as you want! You can totally get in the bubbles and experience everything with your kids, or you can just sit back and watch the craziness. The party unfolds completely self sufficiently!
What do I need to do to prepare for the party?
That’s the great thing. The answer to this is really… nothing! You should have the guests dress in clothes they don’t care about, or in a bathing suit. For our party, we decorated white t-shirts and then they got covered in the colors as well. But the colors in the bubbles are made of dyed cornstarch, so they do actually wash out easily! With that being said, I wouldn’t wear your Sunday best clothes that you love so much. But in our experience, the colors came out completely. You’ll want to have some towels close by and maybe a garden hose to wash the kids off when the party is over. But that’s it!
How much space do you need to host the Bubble Truck? Here’s the answer from the company:
We bring the bubbles to your home, public parks, businesses, community centers, churches, pools, schools, or sports fields. Youu name it, we can be there! Ideally we will either park in front of your home and drop bubbles over your yard or drive way. Depending on the wind, we may pull into your driveway an have the Bubble Bash in your yard. *PLEASE HAVE ALL VEHICLES REMOVED FROM YOUR DRIVEWAY AND FROM THE FRONT OF YOUR HOUSE*
It’s pretty simple to host the Bubble Truck! And not much space is required. Even through the rain and the mountains of bubbles, our grass wasn’t damaged at all. It certainly helps that the bubbles are completely eco-friendly and all plant based! Now, there’s no guarantee on the grass. But my husband loves our grass, so this was a concern for him. And I am happy to report that our grass is no worse for the wear after the Bubble Truck visit!
Who loves the Bubble Truck?
The answer to this, in my family, was somewhat surprising. I have five kids, ages 7-16. And I expected that my youngest children would love it most. But it actually turned out to be my oldest teenager! This is clearly also based on personality, but shows how much fun the Bubble Truck is for all ages! They even offer adult nighttime parties! My youngest loved it and also my oldest loved. It really is just good, clean fun.
When you hear “bubbles,” you think of something for toddlers. But the Bubble Truck is so much for than just bubbles. These are 8 foot high walls of bubbles that a teenager can kind of swim around in! My kids made tunnels and forts out of the bubbles, and just generally had an amazing time. The Bubble Master also plays some games with the kids, but only if they want to. That was something that really impressed me! The party is completely catered around the crowd. We did play a few quick games, but generally, my party crowd just loved played around in the bubbles. The Bubble Master will do what creates the most fun for the kids!
Anything else I need to know?
By this point, you might be wondering if the Bubble Truck can come to your house! Well, the Bubble Truck is expanding quickly and most likely available near you soon! It’s currently available in Orlando, Tampa, Phoenix, Fort Worth, Dallas, Austin, Houston, Jacksonville, South Florida, and Orange County, California. If they aren’t in your area, keep checking back because they are adding locations rapidly!
This party is truly unique and memorable. It’s something that your guests won’t forget! It certainly made my daughter’s 10th birthday so much more special and fun. Be sure to contact them to make your next party or get together a little more zany and fun!
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