Tips and Tricks for Picky Eaters
This post is sponsored by BabbleBoxx on behalf of Arnold Organic Bread.
If you’re a Mom, there’s a good chance you have some experience with picky eaters, or a picky eater phase. I have five kids, and one of them has always been a picky eater. She also just doesn’t eat much at all! So when she does eat, it’s important that she has nutritious choices! And that’s where Arnold Organic White made with Whole Wheat Bread comes in with the win! With fun packaging with Disney’s Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse, it’s made for kids. Keep reading to find my best tips for tricky eaters.
1. Keep food fun.
You don’t want eating to be a chore. Even though it can feel that way sometimes for parents of picky eaters, it’s important to keep mealtime fun. When you get some Arnold Organic White made with Whole Wheat Bread, it’s easy to provide some fun nutritious options. I love that this bread is tasty! It’s kid-approved at my house! It also has a soft and smooth texture with great nutrition. And how fun is it that Disney’s Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse are right on the packaging?
2. Involve kids in meal prep.
If kids make it, they are more likely to eat it! My pickiest eater is one of my daughters. But she’s also the one that is most likely to want to help prepare meals! Something I encourage in my house is for all five kids to make their own lunches. So my picky eater gets to make some fun sandwiches in the shape of Disney’s Mickey Mouse! How perfect! I love that easy school lunches can be made with this Arnold Organic White made with Whole Wheat Bread which is also plant-based and provides a good source of vitamin A, vitamin D and vitamin E!
3. Give options.
When I love a certain food, that doesn’t mean that everyone will also love that food. However, when I give choices, it’s more likely that even my picky eaters will find something they love. We vary our meals; we try unique foods; and we offer options within reason.
I love being able to choose sustainable options as well! Did you know that Arnold Organic White made with Whole Wheat Bread is not only plant-based, but also USDA Organic and Non-GMO Project Verified? This bread is also sustainably baked using renewable wind energy! How cool is that? It would be fun to even base a homeschool lesson on how this sustainable process works in baking this delicious bread.
To purchase your own Arnold Organic White made with Whole Wheat Bread, head to the bread aisle of your local grocery store! Learn more about the bread at https://www.arnoldbread.com/organic!