It travels 855 miles between Sanford, FL, and Lorton, VA, every day. Two trains depart at 4:30pm and arrive at 9:00am, passing each other in the night.
Call the Amtrak number in order to make specialized reservations.
How to pack? Pack as little as possible! Your vehicle will be inaccessible. Space is at a premium. Only bring the essentials to your room.
Arrive by 2:30 pm, No exceptions! Car gets loaded, then wait to board. Will have time to wait so bring a book,
There's private sleeper cars available as well as regular seating. Rooms are upstairs and downstairs.
The smallest rooms are called roomettes, with two seats facing each other in the day and an upper and lower bunk at night. There are larger rooms available also.
Dinner and breakfast are included. Don't forget the chocolate cake for dinner! It is highly recommended!
Can arrive earlier and be on your way to your destination! Takes about 30-40 minutes.
Is it worth it? The Amtrak Auto Train is not cheap. But it's a unique experience. And a simple way to travel with kids!