How to Homeschool? It's a complicated question. But you can get started quickly and easily. Be sure to check out my blog for lots more content.
Find out what your state requires of homeschooling parents. Contact your local chapter of HSLDA.
Tip 1
You can register with the county.
You can register with an umbrella or private school covering.
If you are just starting out, don't pack the day full of subjects. Focus on the essentials- math, reading, being together. The rest will come when you have a routine.
Tip 2
You can mix and match to find things that work for your child.
Or you can find an all in one curriculum that has everything you need.
This does not have to be a strict schedule. But it should be at least a general plan for the day.
Tip 3
Homeschooling can be isolating. So find your community! This might be at church, online, or with a co-op.
Tip 4