Getting Ready for the Day Quickly and Simply
Getting Ready for the Day with More Joy and Simplicity with 5 Easy Tips
If you’re a Mom or even if you’re not, getting ready for the day can be a stressful part of the day. But it doesn’t have to be! You can make this routine much easier and simpler with these five easy tips. I’ve been a Mom for almost two decades. And anyone will tell you that we are often some of the busiest people around. So although we homeschool, we also have getting ready for the day down to a science. Keep reading for my best tips!

1. Do some prep work the night before.
This is such a basic tip. But there’s a reason! It just works. The more you can do the night before, the better your morning will go. Can you shower the night before? Prep your coffee? Make lunches? It’s just common sense that if you are going to have a busy, minute to minute time, doing anything you can ahead of time makes sense.
Here are some things that can be done ahead of time:
- Shower
- Make lunches
- Prep breakfast
- Prepare coffee pot
- Lay out clothes
- Set keys and bags out
These are simple things that you can do the night before to make life easier in the mornings. It’s also helpful to stay organized and do a quick clean up the night before. When you wake up in the morning to clutter, it’s even harder to get out of the door! Getting ready for the day is simpler when you are prepped and organized.
2. Start with Water, Breakfast, and Movement
I’m a huge proponent of drinking enough water throughout the day. But this is especially important in the mornings! Did you know that you wake up basically dehydrated? So starting the day with a big glass of water gives you an immediate energy boost. Don’t get me wrong, I love my coffee. But nothing makes me more exhausted than not having enough water in the day?
Don’t like water? Some of my kids feel the same! We have really gotten into water flavoring lately. Here are some of my favorites from Amazon: MiO Sugar Free Water Flavoring Drops. I actually love water, but with these flavoring drops, I drink even more than ever!

Breakfast Really IS the Most Important Meal of the Day
I’m sure you’ve heard this before. And the reason may surprise you. It’s actually because eating a healthy breakfast helps you make better food choices throughout the day. Most of my kids are really into breakfast. But one of my daughters doesn’t love to eat breakfast. So for her, I try to make sure she just has a banana or something small to start the day. It also helps jumpstart your metabolism!
Movement Gives You More Energy
If you will be out for the whole day, or you work full time, plan ahead for when you can get some movement in your day! I know it can seem counterintuitive to get up even earlier, but having some amount of movement or exercise in the day really does help you have more energy. For me, getting exercise in six days a week is a non-negotiable part of my schedule. It’s helpful to not only my physical health, but my mental health as well.
3. Simplify Your Choices when Getting Ready for the Day
I am far from a minimalist. But I know that simplifying my wardrobe, makeup, and even food choices makes the mornings easier. And how about the kid’s clothing? Pair down their wardrobe to their favorite items so they can happily make choices in the mornings.

How can you simplify your hair routine? What about breakfast items? Spend some time figuring out your favorites of all of these things and then get rid of the rest! Your brain doesn’t need to be overwhelmed with choices.
4. Create Space for Mindfulness, Meditation, or Prayer
This is something that’s very important to me. Most days of the week, I actually don’t have to run out of the house early in the mornings. But even on the busiest days of the way, I make time to do my devotional and quiet time.
Even if this means that you get up only 10 minutes earlier, it can create the right energy for the day. Getting ready for the day can start with some calm and peace.

5. Enlist Help if Needed
If you attempt all of these things, and your mornings are still crazy, maybe you need some help! If you’re a homeschooling Mom, and you have all of the kids, consider how your older kids can help. Or if you are a couple trying to get out the door with all the kids, be sure to share the load. And if your budget allows, and you have young kids, consider having a nanny or help at the house in the mornings. Help is available! Moms are often trying to be super woman. But you really don’t have to be!
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