Simple Mom Hacks: 4 Guilt-Free Ways to Make Your Life Easier
Thank you Malt-O-Meal for sponsoring this post. Head to the Malt-O-Meal cereal Facebook page to learn more about a chance to win one of 60 $500 gifts, personalized just for you!!
Moms do it all. We work from home. And now we do school full-time from home. We take care of our kids. And we take care of our husbands. How in the world do we manage it all? Now that I’ve been parenting for over 15 years, I’ve discovered some simple mom hacks that just make my life easier. In all of my time as a mother, I’ve also been working. And whether you are a work at home mom, a stay at home mom, a full time working mom, you can find some easy ways to make your life easier.
1. Don’t Stress Over Gourmet Meals
Among my friends, I’m well known for not having a hot meal on the table every night. In fact, we have cold cereal for dinner at least once a week. And it’s one of my kids favorite meals! Malt-O-Meal cereal is the perfect choice because it’s less expensive yet still really delicious. Malt-O-Meal cereal comes in over 30 delicious varieties. You can find something for every member of your family with all of the different varieties. They include Frosted Mini Spooners®, Golden Puffs®, Tootie Fruities® and Berry Colossal Crunch®. One of our favorites is Malt-O-Meal Frosted Mini Spooners®.
Now don’t get me wrong, I do cook for my family and sometimes I even enjoy it. But I don’t stress about what to have for dinner. If we have leftovers, that works. And if we have take-out, that’s fine too! I make sure my kids get vitamins, fresh fruits and yogurt every single day. But I don’t make amazing meals every night, and that’s ok.

2. Screen Time Isn’t Evil
Before I had kids, I was determined that my children would never play video games. But as I’m writing this, my kids are playing video games. And they do several times a week. With several of the video games, they play them together and talk to each other while they’re playing. What was I afraid of before I had video games? I envisioned kids sitting separately and becoming sullen after hours of staring at a screen. But that’s not how it is (mostly)! It helps me be a better Mom because I get a break, and they have a break too. We learn a lot during the day and we spend a lot of screen free quality time together. But we also have screen time, and that’s ok.
3. Keep Wardrobes Simple
I’m actually not an expert on this, but I’m trying! When I first had kids, I felt like they all needed to have perfect outfits and hair accessories and shoes. Now, I know we need some plain, logo free shirts, pants, and dresses. These items are so much more simple to mix and match, especially in family pictures.
This is especially true when traveling too. I’m still working on not overpacking, but when I pack more simply, it’s always better! Kids have an easier time finding what they need. And there’s not as much arguing over who will be wearing what! Your kids don’t need to be dressed to perfection every single day, and that’s ok.
4. Assign Chores to Kids
This is a simple Mom hack that you’ve probably considered in the past, but maybe not really made work to your advantage. When I’m really on top of assigning chores to kids, it makes my life so much easier. I’m definitely a Type A personality, so I often feel like I should just do things myself in order to get it done well. However, assigning chores to kids has so many advantages. You get more done around the house. The kids learn responsibility. And you might even save money in avoiding a cleaning service! Get those kids to work Mom! Your house might not be the cleanest in the neighborhood, and that’s ok.

What are your favorite simple Mom hacks? My favorite way to improve my life as a Mom is by learning from other Moms. And now it’s time for dinner; Malt-O-Meal cereal for dinner!
To honor all of the important and extra work moms across the country are doing right now and to give them something to look forward to,
Don’t forget to enter the giveaway! Malt-O-Meal is giving away $30,000 worth of personalized gifts to moms (two $500 gifts each day for 30 days), plus Malt-O-Meal cereal for each winner’s pantry, via a social contest on the brand’s Facebook page, now through June 25. Share your challenges and solutions for a chance to win one of 60 custom, curated gifts valued at $500 from local businesses in your community, which also will help local business owners and individual proprietors who have been hurt by the pandemic too. Whether it’s a date night at a beloved local restaurant or a relaxing day at a favorite spa, moms need a break, and Malt-O-Meal (MOM) cereal is making it happen. Head to their Facebook page to learn more about a giveaway just for moms, from MOM.
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